Are Betta Fish Aggressive? Understanding Their Temperament

Are Betta Fish Aggressive? Understanding Their Temperament

Although I thought that I could keep it under control, what I quickly realized is that keeping multiple male betta fish together did not work. Generally speaking, are betta fish aggressive? Keep reading to find out everything there is to know about betta fish aggression, territoriality, what kind of triggers they have, and what you can…

Can Goldfish Live in a Bowl: 6 Reasons to Make Up Your Mind

Can Goldfish Live in a Bowl: 6 Reasons to Make Up Your Mind

Something that I really can’t stand is when people think that it’s okay to keep a goldfish in a small and plain bowl without any kind of decorations, filtration, or anything in between. Keep reading to figure out exactly why a goldfish probably shouldn’t live in a bowl, and how you can keep a goldfish…

Can Betta Fish Live with Goldfish? Compatibility Insights

Can Betta Fish Live with Goldfish? Compatibility Insights

Through many years of attempting to keep different fish together, I’ve discovered that there are some that just don’t work. Keep reading to find out everything there is to know about keeping these two fish together and why it is generally considered a bad idea. Can Goldfish and Bettas Live Together? The unfortunate reality is…